4:00pm Choir
Our 4pm Mass on Saturday has a choir under the direction of John Lema. If you are interested in joining this choir please speak to John before or after the 4pm Mass
10:30am Choir
Music for the 10:30 am Mass on Sundays is from a choir under the direction of Mr. John Travers. If you are interested in joining this choir please speak to him or or after the Mass. New members are always welcome.
Midnight Mass & Tridium Choir
We have a marvelous choir for midnight Mass and the Services of the Tridium under the direction of Tobie Montie. The bulk of this choir is from the 10:30 am choir, but there are many who sing for this choir who do not always sing at the 10:30am choir. For the midnight Mass the choir will have a concert at 11:30pm of sacred and contemporary Choral Christmas music. They practice on Sunday nights at 6pm the weeks before Christmas and the weeks before Easter. Please speak with Tobie Montie before or after the 10:30 am Mass about joining.